Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Trust is the foundation of a relationship. We cannot have a relationship with Jesus if we are prone to second-guessing his character or his motives. The same is true with our friendships. Once the foundation of trust is fractured or eroded, it is difficult in the extreme to return the relationship to a sure footing. (Difficult, but not impossible.) The real problem with trust is that few of us trust anyone. We are careful to limit our exposure to others. After all, if we are not vulnerable, then our trust cannot be betrayed. By living in a constant state of motion, we never stay still long enough to establish a relationship that would ever require any trust. This unwillingness to trust is true with Jesus as well. We are willing to trust him with the nonessentials...finding a parking space, finding our lost keys, making sure we get enough "stuff", but we are unwilling to really trust him by loving those who hate us or any number of the other "hard" things he asks of us. By avoiding a deepening relationship with him, we can avoid the rootedness that drawing close to him would cause. But, it is in trust that relationships flourish. Trust is the foundation of genuine relationship.

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