From Reddit
Everyone matters. Every one.
"If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences." -- H. P. Lovecraft
"It strikes me that people with a secure sense of their own faith are often the least liable to get upset by parodies or comedies about it. Religions may deal in divine truths, but they are run by human beings. And the combination is often funny. True believers know that; and don't care when they're made fun of. Insecure believers - and they often need fundamentalism to keep their own souls untroubled by doubt -- are the touchiest." -- Andrew Sullivan
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal
"I think vital religion has always suffered when orthodoxy is more regarded than virtue. The scriptures assure me that at the last day we shall not be examined on what we thought but what we did." -- Benjamin Franklin [letter to his father, 1738]
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.” – Thomas Jefferson [letter to his nephew Peter Carr, 1787]Depression is a shadow that has followed me for most of my life. It ebbs and flows and, as I grow older, it is not as powerful. When you have had heart bypass surgery, one of the things they warn you about is the potential for post-operative depression. It is speculated that the reasons for this depression are: (1.) the helplessness you experience as strangers treat you, (2.) the level of trauma caused to the body by the surgery and (3.) coming face to face with your mortality. They aren’t kidding about the depression. As I mentioned, I am familiar with depression, but the sadness I experienced after bypass surgery was overwhelming. Now that I am just about through the gloom, please allow me to share a couple of things I learned about resisting depression.
1. Fight. No matter how bad the depression gets, do not give up. Keep your head down and keep moving. If you surrender, you will lose.
2. Talk. Even if you believe your friends are tired of hearing about your struggles, keep sharing them. Your friends love you and they will listen. Depression wants to isolate you and make you believe you are alone – and that is exactly wrong.
3. Touch. To be human is to need physical contact. Do not ignore the need to touch - shake hands, squeeze shoulders and hug.
4. Write. Get your feelings out. If you don’t like to write, then talk to yourself. Do not bottle up the feelings inside. Do not edit or apologize for them. By getting them out of your head, they become easier to review and evaluate.
5. One Day At A Time is more than just a song or a catchphrase. Pay attention to each step and don't look too far ahead.
An average of 100 people read my blog daily. I’m honored. Faithful friends, I would like your input. As some of you know, there is a fund set up through the National Christian Foundation to provide scholarships for individuals and nonprofit organizations who could benefit from the Birkman Assessment, consulting or coaching, but who cannot afford the full price. Between the discounts I provide and the scholarship funds, we were able to help dozens of individuals and several nonprofits last year. And, this revenue stream helps the new business both to be true to our calling and to survive.
This is not a solicitation for funds. My friend Darin Carlisle handles that end of things. He asked me for my prayer list, address book and client list and took off running. He believes in what we are trying to do and he is coordinating the support. (If you have any questions about giving, just drop Darin an email to darin_carlisle@hotmail.com.)
But, here is where I need your help. Are you aware of an individual or a nonprofit organization that could benefit from the Birkman Assessment, some consulting or some coaching? Because of your prayers and your support, I believe that you should have the opportunity to help me help others. If you know of a friend or relative who would benefit from the Birkman or some coaching or a nonprofit organization that could use some team-building, please drop me an email (DarthBode@gmail.com) to let me know.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, wisdom, support and friendship!