Saturday, March 8, 2008


Faith is not always believing that the Father will do something for us if we "believe enough." It is not some sort of cosmic positive thinking.

Very often faith is believing that the Father is present and engaged when circumstances and events give every indication that he is absent.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wisdom to See

You cannot help someone who doesn't want help.
You cannot change a mind that is not open to the truth.
You cannot move someone who is determined to stay.
You cannot give sight to someone who will not open their eyes.

But, there are many here among us who want help. There are many who seek the truth. We know people that want to move to a better place. We will meet people today who are squinting because their eyes are still adjusting to newfound light.

We cannot help those who do not want help. But, there are so many, many who do.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Follow the Light

This morning, as she was getting ready to go to work, I could tell where my wife had been because the lights were on wherever she went. In each room where she had stepped, the light was on. In the bathroom, the bedroom, the closet and in the kitchen, she left a trail of light. (To her credit, she did turn them all off before she left...Kathy is environmentally friendly.)

I wonder if I will leave a trail of light wherever I go today. Will I leave reminders of hope, grace, truth and love? Will I leave the people I meet better off than when I encountered them? Will the Father's light which shines on me shine from out of me? Will I leave a trail of light?


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