Thursday, January 1, 2009

On December 13th I Had A Heart Attack

Since the word of my heart attack began to spread, so many of you have written or called to let me know of your thoughts and prayers. This experience has reminded me again that those who love me check their facts before passing along a story. I'd like to take a few moments and give you some more information.

On Sunday evening, December 13th I was taken by ambulance from our home to Via Christi Medical Center. I had a severe heart attack. Kathy remembers much more of the details, but I remember telling her I loved her, asking her to tell several friends of my love for them and then saying "I don't think I'm going to make it." The next three hours are lost to me.

Once at the hospital, the tests began. They did a heart catheter and determined that I had significant blockage and told me that I needed at least four bypasses. Dr. Khicha didn't pull any punches, the heart surgery would be "high risk" and there was a one in three chance that I would not make it through.

As many of you know, the past year has been one hell of an adventure. Moving from serving within the church to living in the world has been the greatest of thrills. Scrapping Christianity and instead following Jesus has rescued and fortified my faith. Jesus has engaged in a vigorous renovation of my life from top to bottom - not a new coat of paint, but a deep movement of grace, truth, healing, forgiveness and the ability to forgive. Now he wanted to work on my other heart, too.

The idea of dying didn't frighten me, but it didn't thrill me either. I will be ready for the time, but I don't want to use the express lane, either.

Obviously, since I am writing this, the surgery went well. My heart is better than it was and the problems have been corrected. So far I have lost 27 pounds and I am healing well.

I have been reminded, as I have been reminded almost daily for the past year, that one of the ways the Father loves me is through the friends he has called around me. Some called, some texted, some wrote and some just came by and watched me age. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for believing the best about me.


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