Friday, March 6, 2009

Five Observations

Yesterday I shared with you that I have been asking myself the question “If true belief had nothing to do with words and was only demonstrated by actions, what things do you really believed based on how you live?” I spent some time looking at the way I live, what I do and where I invest my time. Here, briefly, are five observations:

1. I spend a lot of time thinking about myself – what I want, what I need, where I want to go, etc. This kind of self-absorption isn’t good.

2. My prayer life is becoming more natural. Casual conversation with the Father throughout the day is more and more the norm.

3. I was encouraged to see that I do take friendship seriously. I have a long way to grow to be the kind of friend my friends deserve, but I was pleased to see that relationships are a vital part of my life.

4. Things are too important to me. If Jesus asked me to give up everything, it bothers me that it would be an incredible struggle. I understand stewardship, etc., but really living as though everything I own is the Father’s is something different. Even with some of the recent struggles, I have a hard time reconciling all that I have with the number of people who have much, much less.

5. I want to keep doing this. I am convinced that words are meaningless if they are not backed by action. Belief is lived, not just stated.

How did it go for you?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

No More Words

Today I will ask you a question that I have been asking myself. Tomorrow I will try to answer it and I hope that you do, too. The question is: “If true belief had nothing to do with words and was only demonstrated by actions, what things do you really believed based on how you live?” I’m going to spend some time looking at the way I live, what I do and where I invest my time…care to join in the adventure?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Achievement is not the same as significance. We can fall prey to the idea that if we do something monumental we will then feel as though we matter. The success we desire is usually something of which other people will take note. Others will admire our riches, our intelligence or our creativity and then we will be important. The truth, however, is that no amount of success, fame, wealth or achievement will provide enough substance to make our lives valuable. True significance – true meaning and worth – are found in loving others unconditionally and being loved by others completely. For then, with this authentic meaning as a foundation, our achievements can be motivated by our freedom and not our compulsion. Certificates will burn, trophies will rust, empires will crumble, reputations will fade, but love remains eternal.

(Photo courtesy of Steve Weldon, World-Famous Mountaineer)

Monday, March 2, 2009

"As long as you're happy...."

Is the purpose of life to be happy? To hear many people speak, it would seem that it is. “As long as they are happy and it doesn’t bother anyone else….” or “Well, if it makes you happy….” The obvious problem with this is that happiness is a momentary emotion. Comedian Denis Leary comments on the search for happiness on his CD No Cure for Cancer, "(People say) 'I'm just not happy. I'm just not happy. I'm just not happy because my life didn't turn out the way I thought it would.' Hey! Join the … club, ok!? I thought I was going to be the starting center fielder for the Boston Red Sox. Life sucks, get a … helmet, alright?! 'I'm not happy. I'm not happy.' Nobody's happy, ok!? Happiness comes in small doses folks." Happiness is a passing emotion. To attempt to build a life on a temporary foundation is not wise. The purpose of life is to do justice, to love mercy and to walk in relationship with the Father.


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