Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Soren Kirkegaard wrote a wonderful parable entitled “The Tame Geese.” In the parable, Kierkegaard begins, “Suppose it was so that geese could talk - then they had so arranged it that they could also have their religious worship, their divine worship.” He then goes on to describe the plump geese gathering for church. As they sat, one of the ganders would rise to preach, “What a lofty destiny the geese had, what a high goal the Creator had set before the geese.” The feathered pastor would extol that “by the aid of their wings they could fly away to distant regions, blessed climates, where properly they were at home, for here they were only strangers.” The geese would excitedly honk and flap their wings at the thought of their destiny and high calling. “So it was every Sunday. And as soon as the assembly broke up, each waddled home to his own affairs.” Kierkegaard concludes, “So with the divine worship of Christendom. Man also has wings, he has imagination….” Are you going to walk or fly?

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