Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Somedays You're the Fire Hydrant....

Kathy and I used to own two Rottweilers named Midnight and Raven. They were both male dogs. When we would let them loose in the backyard, it was amusing to watch them follow each other around marking and remarking their territory. Raven would sprinkle his ownership on a helpless bush and Midnight would be right behind him to reclaim it for himself. On and on the struggle for ownership would rage in our backyard.

Struggling to possess and own is not limited to the canine world. Attempting to carve out territory and proclaim ownership is, unfortunately, a temptation for us. We want to take and hold as though we can grasp these things forever. But what we have today will be someone else’s tomorrow. We are simply momentary caretakers.

Far from being depressing, this is liberating. We are free to enjoy without the burden of ownership. Possessions can be enjoyed and shared, rather than becoming chains that bind us or things that possess us. There used to be an adage that stated “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Maybe, but he who dies with the most toys still dies.

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