Monday, February 2, 2009

Love Hurts

One of my all time favorite album reviews was a three word appraisal of Cher’s album Love Hurts. With acid pen, the critic had simply stated: “Not this much.” Beautiful! “Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Yesterday Kathy was reading a quote from a book which said “Love always leaves a mark.” It is true. Love always wounds and love always hurts. It must be so because love is always costly. If we truly love someone, then we are willing to inconvenience ourselves, sacrifice, give and disrupt our lives for the sake of another. Love that costs nothing is nothing at all.

It may be that this is why so few of us will ever find love. We have bought the deception that love only brings personal joy and satisfaction. Because we have become conditioned to believe that love is never painful, we begin to pull away at the first sign of discomfort.

Love requires sacrifice. Love can be costly. But, a life without love is infinitely more agonizing.

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