Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Tall and Short of It

This morning I was at Quik Trip. While there, I saw a man who was noticeably short. He was vertically challenged. What made me notice was that he was standing next to a really, really tall man. It looked as if the scene could have been staged. The tall man's height was exaggerated by the stature of the shorter man next to him and the smaller man looked even smaller next to the giant.

Whenever we compare ourselves to others, we are inviting problems. Depending on who we choose, we can appear shorter or taller, slimmer or larger, or better or worse. We can do the same comparison with our struggles. If we choose someone who struggles more obviously, our secret sins do not appear so bad.

We all struggle. We all fall short. Comparison is a no-win game. If we are going to compare ourselves to anyone, we should compare ourselves to the one who we most desire to be like.

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