Wednesday, April 8, 2009

To What Do You Cling?

In the book The Great Crash 1929, John Kenneth Galbraith writes, “When people are least sure they are often the most dogmatic.” Faced with uncertainty – or even fear – people will hold even more rigidly to their beliefs. (This is, I believe, part of what President Obama had in mind with his “bitter clingers” comment.) When dealing with unknowns, it is natural to return to what is known.

One of the great theologians in history was Karl Barth. In the course of his life he wrote prolifically, including a several volume collection entitled Church Dogmatics. His thought and theology have shaped literally hundreds of thousands of lives. J.M. Boice records the following story about Karl Barth,

"Several years before his death the Swiss theologian Karl Barth came to the United States for a series of lectures. At one of these, after a very impressive lecture, a student asked a typically American question. He said, 'Dr. Barth, what is the greatest thought that has ever passed through your mind?' The aging professor paused for a long time as he obviously thought about his answer. Then he said with great simplicity: ‘Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so'"

What are the basic truths of your life? What are your foundational beliefs?

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