Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bands of Compassion

I have met people who pride themselves on “telling it like it is.” They excuse their abrasiveness by claiming that their intention is to be “honest.” No matter the situation, they will say the most outrageous things – usually about others. Tennessee Williams said, “All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness.” His point, I believe, is that sometimes being entirely straightforward can be brutal. Someone who makes a mistake does not need constant reminding of their error, a person who is not pretty does not need an evaluation and the past can remain in the past. There is a place and a time for complete disclosure, but it is not always here and now. Choosing to graciously refrain from telling “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” reflects a respect for the truth and an unwillingness to smear it with arrogance and unfounded self-importance. To render damning truth requires no creativity, no imagination and no grace. Any haughty boor can accomplish the task. But to wrap the truth in swaths of hope held by bands of compassion – such words find their origin in the heart of God.

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