Monday, April 27, 2009

We're Moving!

The Bodeblog is moving. Please bookmark our new location I hope to see you there. I'll keep blogging if you keep reading!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Like inmates in a prison cell, some people live in the past. They spend their days constantly ruminating about things that they did or things that were done to them. Whether pain or pleasure, glory or defeat, their life is defined by the past tense. Some others, like children on Christmas Eve, live in the future. They chase eventual glory or dread impending doom. Their lives are lived in a future that never arrives in quite the same way that it is imagined. But, what of today? We can mourn days gone by or long for the "sweet by and by," but what of the present now and now? There is nothing we can do to change the past and the future is unknown to us. We have this moment. The day before us is a day to which we once looked forward and it will soon be a day that we remember. How will we live today?

Thursday, April 23, 2009


A lake teems with life. Plants, fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles depend on the lake. A minnow lives near the shore in the shallows. Because of predators, it rarely ventures into deeper water. In contrast, a catfish remains in the deep. Always lurking, the catfish moves slowly through the depths scavenging for food. Then there is the lowly turtle. This lake resident moves throughout the water world. The turtle can plunge into the depths, float on the surface, and even move from the water altogether. These three creatures illustrate three approaches to dealing with the pain and suffering of life.

Some people are minnows. They deny the deeper truths and realities. These people use entertainment, possessions, accomplishment, or denial to stay near life’s surface. Like minnows, they desperately avoid what may lurk in deeper water. Others people are like catfish; they stay on the bottom. Their lives have become so encumbered by pain that it defines them. Their suffering holds them down. These poor souls will never know what it is to soar.

But, we can be turtles. This creature represents those who will not run from pain nor accept it as the final word. By acknowledging the pain, sharing it with those who will refine it and finally embracing it, they are no longer banished to one extreme. These souls, like a turtle, can now journey the entire lake of life. Further, the character built by accepted suffering builds a hard shell of faith and trust which protects from the predator of fear.

Minnows, catfish and a few turtles - all loved by their creator and all given the power and the opportunity to grow!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beyond the Pond

Have you ever thought about what happens when a fisherman catches a fish and then releases it back into the pond? The poor fish, who has a really sore mouth, swims back to his mates with an incredible story. “Hey, guys, you’ll never believe this—I was taken up into another world above the water! It was an incredible place unlike anything I have ever seen.” The other fish condescendingly look at him and some roll their eyes. “A world beyond this pond - that’s ridiculous. This pond is all there is! There is nothing beyond what we know here in the depths.” Yet even though the others are skeptical, the little fish knows what happened to him…and nothing can change that truth.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Life can consist of a string of whats. This is what we do. The familiar question we often ask each other is “What are you going to do today?” So we go from obligation to obligation “whatting.” What will you have for lunch? What will you do this afternoon? What will you do this evening? The question, however, is not what, but why? Why do we do what we do? What is the purpose? A machine is created to do certain tasks. It is programmed to do whatever we design it to do. As individuals, we are more than machines. When we lose sight of why we do what we do, we forfeit part of what it means to live. Why will we do what we do today?

Friday, April 17, 2009

What is a Life Coach?

To answer a lot of questions (and to engage in a bit of shameless self-promotion), I wanted to explain what a “life coach” does. This is one facet of the work I do and, judging by the response, it is something I am good at. I use the information provided by the Birkman Assessment to produce a Coaching Report Workbook. This, along with a person’s personal coaching goals, provide the basis for the relationship.

"Part therapist, part consultant, part motivational expert, part professional organizer, part friend, part nag -- the personal coach seeks to do for your life what a personal trainer does for your body."- Minneapolis-St. Paul Star-Tribune

"Once used to bolster troubled staffers, coaching now is part of the standard leadership development training for elite executives and talented up-and-comers at IBM, Motorola, J.P. Morgan, Chase, and Hewlett Packard. These companies are discreetly giving their best prospects what star athletes have long had: a trusted adviser to help reach their goals."-

What Is A Life Coach?
A life coach uses their personal experience and knowledge to help someone else achieve their personal goals and ambitions.

Personal coaches assist their clients to achieve their coachable goals. Clients set their goals and the reason they hire a coach is to accomplish their goals.

Personal coaches have expertise and training in some areas, but are more focused on helping their client. Coaches assist their clients to become the world’s leading experts on themselves.

Personal coaches are Equal Partners with their clients.
Coaches are like a copilot sitting in the passenger seat of an automobile traveling to the same destination. Coaches do not do the driving, but they sometimes read the map.

Personal coaches do not answer every question. Coaches encourage their clients to find the answers that have virtually been there all along.

Goals that are best suited for the coaching process require clients to grow and improve to accomplish them.
Coaching clients reduce their stress, increase their energy, make better decisions, increase their life balance, increase their peace of mind, and focus more on what is really important to them, BECAUSE of participating in the coaching process.

Clients have almost total control over the results they reap from coaching.
Coaching clients set the goals they want to achieve through coaching. The purpose of hiring a coach is to achieve their goals. Their coaches concentrate on the goals achievement. The achievement of the predetermined goals produces the results desired and more. The choice is simple, control the process with consulting or control the results with coaching.

Clients develop a strong personal bond and trusting relationship with their coach. The very personal nature of the coaching process requires clients and their coaches to develop a very strong mutually trusting, mutually respectful and mutually focused partnership.

Coaching clients receive all of the fame and adulation that goes with participating in the coaching process. Personal coaches avoid the limelight or taking any credit. Plus, the coaching process is very confidential and private, and unless the client says something, no one will even know a person has a personal coach.

If you have questions, drop me an email.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


As the economy weakens, there are more and more cases of child abuse being reported. According to an April 16th Reuters story, these new cases “are part of a spike in child abuse in United States during a recession that has driven some families to the brink and overwhelmed cash-strapped child-protection agencies. In the last three months we have twice as many severe inflicted injury cases as we did in the three months the previous year," said Allison Scobie, program director of the Child Protection Team at Boston's Children's Hospital.

Two thoughts:

There is more to life than money.

Isn’t it tragic that the innocent are often the ones to suffer for things over which they have no control?


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